

Welcome to the vibrant shores of Saint Lucia, where the passion for football meets the allure of our breathtaking landscapes. As the Chairman of the Saint Lucia Tourism Authority, it is my pleasure to extend a warm embrace to all players and team supporters gathering for the eagerly anticipated Saint Lucia Masters Football Invitational during…


New team on the Block

X-Men United Academy Soccer Club X-Men United Academy Soccer Club was founded in late 2020 / 21 by local soccer players, Gillian Elias, Densil (T’Shan) Payne and Glenn Gomes who were dedicated to the promotion and growth of men’s over 40 competitive soccer touring team in our community for international travel and tournaments. Their mission…


The Heart of a Champion

The Gros Islet Veterans Team hails from the town of Gros Islet and boasts a team of young veterans and much more experienced players. The team style of play is defined by having a compact solid defense while exhibiting a fast pace energetic attacking play. Although there was a notable absentee in longtime serving coach and captain…